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kidney care’s leading, integrated, provider group

our priority is healthy patients

We deliver better outcomes for patients and lower costs for everyone. We are kidney care’s leading, integrated, provider group which uniquely qualifies us to provide end to end kidney care. We keep patients healthier, longer- at home and out of the hospital. Our clinical engagement and understanding of chronic kidney disease ensures better care and outcomes across the spectrum of CKD-ESRD patients.

the strength and scale of our provider group is unrivaled

We are the leading nephrology provider group with 750+ aligned providers in 19 states operating with unparalleled operational capabilities.

we believe experience matters

We serve patients using 16 years of experience managing outcomes using predictive analytics and care management tools informed by the largest, live, CKD database with over one million patients. We are an aligned group of providers with a common view of how to care for patients with kidney disease and reduce the total cost of patient care.
Father and daughter dancing together

our outcomes are driven by the distinctive capabilities of our comprehensive care model

older woman hugging older man

panoramic health by the numbers

ongoing patient engagement
home dialysis starts vs. 11% national average
inpatient reduction (ESRD Panel Improvement in 2023) vs. 1-2% national utilization increase
optimal start rate vs 29% national average
physician retention

success stories

"I have always believed working together with nephrologists is the clearest first choice for nephrologists compared to working in a multispecialty center, hospital, or even for large dialysis organizations. The alignment is natural, and the understanding of our common needs is the best. Panoramic Health is just that – a unique platform for nephrologists to come together."

Dr. Devaraj Munikrishnappa, Houston Kidney Specialists Center

our national reach

healthcare providers
lives served

map of the united states showing national reach of Panoramic Health

Want to learn more? Please get in touch.